
In the shade of avocado and acacia trees
… protected from the tropical sun, the production and administration building of the lo tuyo S.A. is scattered over a plot a bit over a hectare in size. On the west border, in a good neighborhood, lies the organization lo tuyo e.V..
Manufactory: The 100m2 big production hall is finished. The roof is set, and at this time the machines and other assembly supplies for the food processing are being built in. In this hall the freshly delivered goods are processed by hand. Fruits and vegetables are preserved according to traditional recipes and methods as well as carefully dried in the solar dehydrator and then packaged. The hall comes with two separate storage rooms, in between which is a space for the shipping, where deliveries are packaged according to the individual wishes of customers.
Multi house: In this house the air conditioned office for the administration and the kitchen are established. There is an open air social room.
Solador: The solar dehydrator stands in a clearing, perfectly turned towards the sun. Two volunteers from Germany according to the newest technical standards built it. Here fruits, vegetables and herbs will be dried, and nuts, legumes and cereals given a final drying process.
Also, a water basin for bigger amounts of drinking water is set up on the plot as well as a composting space for the controlled treatment of waste from the production.
"I remember when lo tuyo was just a dream almost, only a seed of an idea, and now it is a full working and teaching garden with a mission to bring people together and process healthfully grown produce into saleable products. It is a real dream come true, and I can't wait to see your products on the shelves in Panama City!"
Susan W., Panama