
… leave something for the future
lo tuyo S.A. gets fresh products from local producers, who are committed to a controlled alternative way of farming in cultivating contracts. In exchange, we guarantee to buy all their produce at fair prices.
The indigenous communities of the nearby comarca will cultivate sugar cane that we use to sweeten our products, as well as 'sail', a species of mallow, made out of the red sepals of which a slightly bitter, very aromatic jelly can be made.
In the ample house gardens of the villagers stand many old fruit trees, overly full of mangoes, cocoa and guava fruits, waiting to be processed into delicious preserves, conserves, and more.
The small farmers in the mountains in the northwest of Las Lajas will produce mostly vegetables, cereals and herbs.
One of them is Ramón Rivera. He says that he works for his daily bread and in order to leave the generation after us a healthy, peaceful world. “If you bring me a sick plant, I can tell you what’s wrong with it and it will be healed.” He knows how and with what, where to find it and how to produce it. Because of this, Don Ramón will not only be delivering fruits for further processing but will also pass on his knowledge to the lo tuyo association.
Don Ramón loves this world and his plants. “People say I’m crazy. But it is the crazy people that leave something for the future.” Only the birds worry him. They clearly prefer his fruits over the conventionally farmed ones of his neighbors.