2011 has gone – thank you 2011, you were a good beginning.
2011 has gone – thank you 2011, you were a good beginning.
lo tuyo is looking back on only seven months - seven intensive months of daily agreements and decisions, heavy rain and radiant sun, hard struggle and compensating joy, and liking the tasty yuca (cassava, manioc) of the first harvest.
Seven months of working and doing – cultivating Eda's vegetable garden, pruning the orchard and the living fences, obtaining (or trying to) construction materials, building our canopy huts up at tree level heights, digging for fresh water deep in the ground, venturing into cyberspace creating our web presence, testing new recipes for our organic product series, and planning and organizing on both sides of the Atlantic, in Panama and Germany.
Meanwhile, lo tuyo receives you with a multilayer compound of busyness, harmony, positive stress and idylls, thus spontaneously arising the desire to stay here, give yourself to the atmosphere, and join hands together.
Lo tuyos attractive power reflects itself in the list of volunteers and visitors announced for 2012.
If we look back on 2011 and realize what we have accomplished, we can lean back and relax satisfied.
Lean back? No way, now we will celebrate New Year’s Eve with a lot of homegrown produce and homebrewn chicha, fried fish, salsa and rock. If you can't join us here, join us on our next blog post!
And, don't let the Maya get you!
Felicidad wherever you are,
los tuyanos