About us

About us
From everyone for everyone
How can it be, that in a land spoiled by tropical abundance like Panama, it is easier to get imported apples from Chile than delicious local mangoes, guavas and jackfruits? These ripen all over the place, but due to a lack of alternatives they often end up as animal feed.
This question and other discrepancies motivated us to take action. We want to increase health and nutritional awareness, and support small farmers and indigenous communities to keep their diverse and sustainable growing methods and help them to find buyers for ecologically produced products. An all-encompassing task, which is split into two entities where the organization and finances are strictly divided:
- a non-profit organization, lo tuyo e.V., that dedicates itself to research and environmental education, collects and passes on knowledge, but also creates an ecological consciousness.
- a cooperation of limited accountability, lo tuyo S.A., which ensures the buying of fruits, produced according to the guidance of the lo tuyo e.V., at fair prices.
“I looked at the project… really, I DIDN’T WANT TO WRITE what I think about it, but to TELL YOU IN PERSON. (…) It seems to me that it is GENIUS, INNOVATIVE, GOOD, AUTHENTIC, WONDERFUL. One can see that you put your heart and soul into it. Thank you, that you are letting us take part in it and we, too, definitely want to be a part of it.”
Maribel P., Costa Rica