Busy Eda
Busy Eda
La chica con la carretilla
Since May, Eda is busy at lo tuyo, her timing perfect with the beginning of the rainy season. Her enthusiasm and the structured implementation of her ideas, converted the project in a short term from being a vision to a reality. Where before “monte”, where wild tropical greens were growing, now soy and other leguminous plants can be found in the rested soil. Cassava sticks cast out little leaves. In the warm soil, papaya and corn seeds are ready to sprout reaching towards the sunlight.
The planting area is divided into four parcels by living fences made of cuttings from quick growing trees. The remaining open spaces are filled with tropical delicacies like Peruvian elderberries, cashew trees and so called “cherries”. Forest Engineer Eda shares her knowledge and plans the preparation of soil and humus production, and what’s to be grown. Various compost heaps have already been established on the site. To achieve 100% organic agriculture, plants need perfect soil conditions to grow strong and healthy and resist upcoming insects plagues or other mishaps.
Eda is helped with words and deeds by José, a man from Las Lajas and a genius with the machete; a multi-functional tool that is necesary in the tropics for any kind of cultivation activity.
Down in the valley, in parcel four, an expert needs tranquility for his work: For one week now, Tito has been digging with only a shovel and a bucket through the ground on his way to Indonesia. Tito is a well digger from Santa Cruz, a village close to Las Lajas. Mañana – tomorrow; Tito is confident he will find clear fresh water. If that is true, you will find out in our next blog entry.